Donate Now

Healing Towards Wellness is a registered 501.c3 nonprofit. Our nonprofit status allows us to provide services across many different economic backgrounds and makes treatment possible regardless of an individuals income. At HTW we strive to provide the best possible care to each client without a concern about running a profitable business. Donations from individuals like you make wellness a reality for each of our patients.

We offer a variety of ways to donate including Donorbox, Venmo, and Square.

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I am consistently overwhelmed by the support from the community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
— Emily Sterk, Founder

To our supporters…

Phil Anderson, Rebekah Gordon, Katie Donovan, Alicia Bigelow, Emily Bender, Dawn Grams, Lauren Shelby, Bryan Drescher, Kait Fox, Denise D’Alessandro Fisher, Kate Milton, The Sanders family Sarah Frey, Amber Dickson, Kristen Reese, Crystal Webster


The Table Craft Putt The Old Mango LGBT Chamber of Commerce The LGBT-Affirming Therapist’s Guild

What Donations Provide

Generous donations from supporters like you have provided Healing Towards Wellness with an incredible jumping off point, but we need more donations to continue to grow and provide services for even more Kansas Citians left out of the current system.

Here’s a list of just some of what your donations do:

  • Offset costs which allow services to be available at a lower cost

  • Provide funds for legal fees associated with non-profit status

  • Enable our team to attend continuing education programs

  • Pays for the printing of marketing materials

  • Allows HTW to continue to grow as we seek bigger offices and facilities in the future

  • Provides for outreach materials for the community and the ability for our staff to do low or no cost training and seminars in the neediest parts of our community

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